God's Dream for Real Love Ministries
Joel Reichlin
"But the moment one turns to the Lord with an open heart, the veil is lifted and they see…(2 Cor 3:16 TPT)"
In 2004, Joel had an encounter with the love of Jesus that set him free from a life of heroin addiction and drug trafficking. Love came down and set Joel free. Today, Joel has a passion to see people touched by the mercy & grace of God through have life-changing encounters with Jesus. In 2022 on a trip to Brazil with Global Awakening, Joel experienced Jesus in a way that increased the manifest presence of God in his life and accelerated his God ordained assignments. Real Love Ministries(RLM) is called by God to according to Ephesians 4:11, to equip the Body of Christ to live in the fullness of what Jesus has given us through His cross and resurrection. God desires for every person to be saved and to discovering their divine purpose that was given to us while we were still in our mothers womb. Through the preaching/teaching of the Bible, Biblical discipleship & Holy Spirit discipleship we see so many grow to know Jesus and as a result know who they are. RLM is a Prophetic Kingdom focused ministry serving humanity. Our heart is to teach people to hear the voice of God and to connect people to God’s heart for them. Our goal is to teach people to live in the intimate love relationship with the Holy Spirit and to build them up into becoming who Jesus designed them to be. Lovers of Jesus & Children of God.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God…
John 1:12 NKJV